Sunday, July 26, 2009

ReunionReservationsRaffle...3 'Rs' for '65ers


NOTICE To '65er's...It's Time to Flash Back to the 1960's...
Come On Everybody...Let's Twist Again...Hey Baby Won't You Take A Chance...Let's Dance...Great Balls of Fire....Good Golly Miss Molly....Keep Away From RunARound Sue...Let's Twist Again Like We Did Last Summer of 1965....

Are You Feelin It?....The 1965 Reunion Fever...That is.
If so, well then, SplishSplash it's Time to make your Reservations. If not, well then turn up your Volume and Twist a little the I bet you are Ready for the first 'TwoR's ...Reunion Reservations.

The Planning Committee has Reservation Information to share about Special Rates and More at the San Angelo Inn & Conference Center.
Click HERE for Reservation Info. Also on the SideBoard on the SA Inn Button.
Be Sure and Come Back for...

San Angelo Points of Interest...

The Planning Committee also would like to direct your attention to San Angelo's many Points of Interest. Anne Loftin Ball invites you to a Tour of Old Town San Angelo. Click HERE to get started or on the SideBoard 'Miss Hatties Bordello' Button. Be sure and come back for the third 'R'...


It's a Beauty...And It Could Be Yours!Here's How...

You will be entered in the raffle for every $10.00 that you send as a donation for the Reunion ExpensesFund.

All donations made since the October Planning Meeting have been entered, and those made by mail from now until the October Reunion date will be entered.

Tickets will be available until the Drawing at the Reunion. You DoNot Have ToBe PRESENT to Win....But We Sure Hope You Will Be.

Send your check to:
Jerry Adams
2608 N.Garfield
Midland, Texas 79075
Now that you have RunThrough TheThree 'R's......Don't Forget to Check the UpDates on The SeniorProphecy...HowTrue? Features and visit the '65ers on the WWWeb. It's All There...On The SideBoard.

PS...HiTekieFYI...Remember to 'Right Click-Open A NewTab' when clicking on the 'PurpleLinks'....That way You won't miss any of the 60's Tunes....You Gotta hear Ricky Nelson do 'MaryLou' and Roy Orbison's 'Pretty Woman' and....well...They're all my FAVS. I hope yours is there, too.

PPS....Know a '65er or Friend of '65ers with a WebSite? We Would Like to Feature Them and Add them to the WWWeb List. Know a '65er or Friend of '65ers who would like to be Featured? How about YOU! Give Punkin or SuKnitWitty an EmailShoutOut!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

TheRain In Spain...I Mean..SanAngelo

Good Morning! It Has Rained in Texas!
Rain by Evelyn McDonald
Rain batters on my window pane
collects in puddles deep
and like the ticking of a clock
it lulls me back to sleep

The heavy constant rhythm
is like music to my ear
the drumbeat repetition
of the rain is all I hear

Silence for a moment means
the wind has changed its course
rain soon comes a-knocking
on the glass with gale-like force

The rain is strangely soothing
as it cascades through the night
washing the sins of daytime
as darkness turns to light

I wake to early morning
refreshed by summer rain
the ground is soft and silent
till it starts to rain again

So as it was the night before
it pours from Heavens high
I trace the rivulets of the rain
that fall to earth from sky

Content to marvel on the scene
Allow me to exclaim
the world would have no rainbows
if it were not for the rain.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Rock A Bye Baby!

Here's A Blankee for You and You and You!

Bonda and I have been BZ-Blankee Knitters! Bonda knits the Body and I Crochet the Edging.

Preemie Blankets are our focus as an August deadline nears. These TinyBlankees (18x24 inches) are donated to the local hospitals by The Fiber Arts Guild of West Texas...of which I am a member.

Bonda & Sue's Bond Pattern

Setup Bond with Plate #4 (worsted weight) and 60 Needles. Cast On with Waste Yarn...Knit 4 rows. Switch to Main Color (sample-cream). Knit 110 Rows. Switch to Waste Yarn...Knit 4 Rows. Remove from Bond.

Crochet Edge... Size G Hook - Right Side - With Main Color pickup and Single Crochet corner stitch Main Color off waste yarn. Pickup and SC each stitch across (60 sc). Remove Waste Yarn. Make 3 sc in corner and at each corner around. SC in knitted stitches down the side, across the remaining end and up the other side. Slip Stitch at beginning and change to edging color. Do edging of your choice. The blue edging is a combination of Half Double and Double done in the back loop. The outer edging is a chain with single crochet over the chain.
Knitting for Babies started with Knitted Sweaters to go with the Baby Quilts that I have made. Baby Animals, embroidery blocks in Attic Windows, is custom machine quilted. The sweater is the easy Five Hour Baby Sweater with a few SuCrochet Touches.
The Pink Quilt was made from scraps left over from my First Grand's Baby Quilt and it is HandQuilted. The Sweet Pink Feather and Fan pattern is from 101 Designer One Skein Wonders. It, too has SuCrochet Touches. Both of these Sweet Sets are for Future GreatGrands.

Are You Missin SuKnitWitty in this Sweet, PerfectSpellin, NoNonSince Post?

NeverFear, Ya'll! I won't leave without DropN A FewGoodUns....

Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you're just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric. ~Pam Brown

A Grandmother pretends she doesn't know who you are on Halloween. Erma Bombeck

Grandmothers never run out of hugs and cookies....or Knitted Blankees and Sweaters. SuKnitWitty

Saturday, July 18, 2009

ItIs A SowsEar…No-ItIsArt…No-ItIs…

A TangleOfHangers!
Not only is it a Tangle of Hangers, but a Rusty, Rat and Snake Infested Dump.
SomeOne(SIL) recently commented...
"SuKnitWitty had a ‘SowsEarEye’…No wait…It was…EyeForSowsEars…No wait…I’ll get it straight…It was ‘MakeASowsEar’."
Of what Use is a SowsEar?
For that matter, of what Use is a photo of a Tangle of Hangers?

TangledHangers...Used to Introduce My SIL (SisterInLaw)...
The AnonymousCommenter…Master Sewer…HeartOfGold…Photographer...
and JulyBirthday Gal. She is the Owner of TheRatNSnake Infested Dump.
You Will Be!!! Take a look at MySIL’s Photography!

Happy Birthday, Linda! You Are A ‘PhotoGoddess’!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Windfall – Websters (1961 and Online…somethings never change)
l.something (as a tree or fruit) blown down by the wind. unexpected or sudden gain or advantage.

YarnFall – A SuKnitWitty NewWord…
same as Websters without the fruit.

Here’s the WindYarnFall Yarn...
Once Upon A Time, two KnitFriends went to Lunch, went to Walmart, and went to third KnitFriend’s House to Knit.
Now, it was Mid-July…103 degrees...What do they have for Lunch? Enchiladas! Mucho Caliente!
It was so hot ….the Road was Melted…WalMart had Security Guards monoriting the FrozenFoods, Produce and MeatMarket.
"Keep Moving…Shut the Door…Ma’am, It’s WalMart’s Policy….Frozen Turkey’s Only Section."
Forget getting down the IceCream Isle.
Outta WalMart…Back in the Car…TempThingy sez 111.

Third KnitFriends House ….Cool!!!
Now, here’s the WindYarnFall.
‘I’m Clearing Out My STASH’!!! Take What You Want!!!
TheTwoKnitters….not wanting to look like MissYarnPiggys….Took Only This Much….

Curious about ‘YarnFall’ being a SuKnitWitty original (it’s not in 1961 Websters), I Googled it.
Yarn Fall….Every Knitter Needs One?
MissionFallsYarn….Every Knitters WonderWorld of Yarn.

Knitting in 103 degree Heat…Warped…Knitting YarnFall…Unexpected…KnittersYarn Fall...VeryUnexpected...Knitting with Friends…Priceless.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blogger IdentityRevealed...Partly

Will the Real SuKnitWitty Please Show Your Face.

Here It Is! The Face Behind the SmartMouthed, BadGrammar, MisSpellin, HiTekie, KnittingJunkie, YarnAholic, '65er KnitWit.

Revealed now, only because of my ‘65er ClassMates. Something about…If the WholeWorldWeb can view Their 1965 SeniorPictures and Their 2009 SeniorPictures…and a Forty-Five YearOld Prophecy…..then….Well, Okay they have a point.

SuKnitWitty, aka Sue________ is in the local hospital. She stumbled and fell with the Olympic torch while trying to light her cigarette.
1965 Lobo Yearbook Prophecy

First of all….I was Visiting a TeamMate in the hospital being treated for Smoke Inhalation.
Secondly...She Tripped Me…I went down…Sparks flew…Her BigBlonde AquaNetHairDo….Well, you can imagine the rest.
And Thirdly….She was trying to light Her cigarette off the BorrowedBicTorch.

So, there you have it....except my RealName or TeamMates Name.
Some things about TheBlogger should remain a mystery to the WWWeb….and MyMom.
She didn’t know RitaKay smoked.
And I’m thinking…..the 1965 Seniors are beginning to have a few 2009 SeniorMoments!

PS...If Anyone knows the Identity of the ProphecyWriters....Just Drop Their RealNames in the Comment Box....Anonymously will be fine.

Monday, July 13, 2009


SuKnitWitty..."Just Covering All My Bases".

Su'Punkinj1063'...."Covering The '65ers EmailList."

Hey '65ers! ... 'You Got Mail'... This Mail......
The 45th Reunion will be here sooner than you know. Are You Ready? The Reunion Committees have PutTogether some Fabulous45thFun for Everyone!
A NewFunFeature is making it's debut! It's called '65 Senior Prophecy--How True?
We'll be spotlighting some of our talented and accomplished classmates and former classmates.
Beverly Rowin Hartman and Wayne McPeak are the first two SeniorProphecy Features.
Gary Wingo and Jim Freeman are the first two Classmates OnThe WorldWideWeb.
It gives you a chance to see who they were then and who they are now.
Give it try and let us know how you like it.
We Welcome your suggestions for Names of Classmates to Feature on SeniorProphecy, and those who have a DotCom, Blog or Other WorldWideWebsite or Link.
Let us know about YOU or a '65er that has a Special Beverly, Gary and Wayne...Who's ClaimToFame is Sue and TwoNapDogs.
Please e-mail Sue or Sue with your suggestions.
In the meantime, enjoy '65 Senior Prophecy--How True?
Sue & Sue
If You are a '65 EmailLister....Welcome! Glad Your Here!
Start Your Tour at the SideBoard to your Right. Follow the Trail with your Mouse or Pointer. Click on Purple LetterLinks to browse around (HiTekieTip....Right Click on PurpleLLink, ScrollUP to 'OpenInA NewTab'...Click...GoToTab...Click...Keeps HomePage Open for UnInterrupted Music) you can get back Here via 'BackspaceKey' or Pointer on 'FeatherOnMyFace'. HappyTrails!
If You are a SuKnitWitty Follower....Welcome To You Too! Glad Your Here!
I bet you thought 'KnitOne...ProphecyToo!' was going to be a KnittingBag for a CrystalBall! I'm working on it!!! Anyway, I hope you'll stay awhile and browse with the '65ers. We had some talented 'SeniorsBackThen' and they Still are.....Talented and Seniors. HappyTrails!
PS...Sue, Is that necklace yours, mine, Beverly's, Ceclia's or.......???
PPS...If you are here to claim the necklace....I don't have it....check with Sue, Beverly, Anne or??

Friday, July 10, 2009


Is there such a Thing as QueasyKnitterSyndrome?
I was just getting over SSS (SecondSockSyndrome) when struck with this new KnittersDisease.
I don't know what else to call it!
There I was with SusanB-Knits in the BackSeat learning to knit from a CHART/GRAPH...
Yes, I know it's another exciting NewKnittingThingy...
When suddenly we HAD to PULLOVER!
That was the end of Chart/Graph Knitting,
work on Part II of KAL, and riding in the backseat. And I had such plans to finish Part II before Part III arrived.

So, it took exactly ONE week to recover from QKS....I tell myself that's the reason because that's how long it was before I got back to KAL Part II. When in reality I recovered that very same afternoon in time to eat Mexican Food. Priority' know!
Part III message is Flashing on Ravelry!!!....Wait!!!
Okay...Now I'm Ready.... for on this day of 104 degree the month of the State of Texas, her KnittingNest...Has Completed the NotSoHard ChartChallenge, and the SecondRound of TuffTuckStitch and...Yes!.....Now...Bring on Part soon as SusanB gets it figured out!

Lamkins has just about had it with this BeingBehind.
Especially now that She..ep knows that Part IV Message has been Flashing on Ravelry since Wednesday.
So, here she is ShowingOff our Part II and pushing me to get on with Part III.
She was not very sympathetic to my attach of QKS....
as I left her in TheNest to study up on Part III, when she really wanted to make the day trip to Buffalo Gap.
Oh I 'splained' to Lambkins...'Sheep Happens'.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Block #1 State of Texas
Texas is a State of Mind. Texas is an Obsession. Above all Texas is a Nation in every sense of the word. John Steinbeck

Texas IS an Obsession…Just ask any Texan!
Everything IS BiggerNBetter in Texas. Just ask any Texan!

Texas has it’s own language.
Just ask any Texan!

They’ll tell you Texans don’t have accents. You simply gotta understand TexasTalk.

For instance, in Texas all sentences should end in a preposition, and tho English is the primary language used in Texas, for some reason, you have to learn Spanish in order to understand it.
If you follow the ‘Word Links’ I’m droppin like CowPatties on a CattleDrive, you’ll browse around the BiggerNTexas WWWeb (one of the few things Bigger) and learn lots of
So Ya’ll GitOnTher...Later.
Right now, I’ll share some SuKnitWitTexas Stuff. So sit back in your Saddle, TipBack your StrawHat , KoozieUp your FAV LongNeck and....YeeHaw were off. Starting with A Few Texas Quilt Blocks that have been a WIP for…a mighty long time.

Block # 2....TEXAS in Stitches

Block #3...State Flower..Bluebonnet

Block #4 Unofficial State Flower...YellowRose

Block #5 State Bird...Mocking Bird

State Song - Texas Our Texas

UnOfficial State Song - The Yellow Rose of Texas

Block #6...State Mammal...The Armadillo

Block #7...The Lone Star & 4 Texas Friendship Stars

Texas State GemStone...Blue Topaz

Texas State Seal

Texas State Tree...Pecan

Texas State Insect...Monarch Butterfly


Born in Iowa...Raised in Texas

Proud ToBe A Texan!

Here's Some HiTekieTexas PCLingo....So You CanBe UpToDate, too! (From TexasJokes)

HardDrive – Trying to climb a steep hill with 3 flat tires pulling a load of _____fertilizer.
Keyboard – Place to hang your truck keys.
Window – Place to hang your gun.
Modem – How to get rid of your dandelions.
ROM – Delicious when you mix it with coca-cola.
Byte – First word in a kiss-off phrase.
Reboot – What you do when the first pair gets covered in barnyard stuff.
Network – Activity meant to provide bait for your troutline.

"Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies GrowUp ToBe ComputerCowboys"!

For More TexasTalk & Directions To BuffaloGap,Texas Click Here

or on

HappyTrailsInTexas OnThe SideBoard

Sunday, July 5, 2009


MAPS on the WWWeb? You know It! Especially if you Spell it Backwards…
S P A M!
Betcha thought this Post was going to be a TravelLog for SeeAmericaInJuly.

Nope…it’s too HOT. Not about SPAM either….just thought I’d show off my ReverseSpellnSkills!

It’s really about Kate, Elvis, Conway&Loretta, Francis, The Mickey Mouse Singers and others on the Playlist of Patriotic Songs. Just want to hear them Sing awhile longer.

So, for the Month of July SuKnitWitty will feature MadeInAmericaMusic , AmericaMap and July….which BTW…was not named for an American….but, in honor of Julius Caesar by The Roman Senate in 46 B.C.

Reading Maps…To put it Nicely…I’m Directionally Challenged! To put it in words of the Driver to the SuNavigator w/theMap…”You don’t know Snap from ShineOla”! Okay, my theory is Always TurnRight….that way UCan NEVER go Wrong…and, I’m always Right except when I get Right and Left confused. I’m getting the Driver a ‘TomTomThingy’ for Christmas…or sooner.

Enough about Maps….Okay...One more…I found this PuzzleMap at the AntiqueBarn. I think I can use this one to find my way around the USA well enough for a FewFeaturePost on States. Starting with…TEXAS…of course. Be sure to Navigate your way back to SuKnitWitty for some LoneStarStuff. If you get lost…try your PCTomTom…GOOGLE.

Now, JULY…named for Julius Ceasar...I’ll not elaborate…Everybody knows Et Tu Brute and all that RomanRumble.

JulyFlower The Larkspur

July BirthStone The Ruby

SuKnitWitty's Ruby

More Precious Than Any GemStone!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's A GrandOleFlag..ByMyDoor

From SuKnitWitty's FrontDoor To Yours - Salutations on The Fourth of July!

"You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, NOT with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism." ~Erma Bombeck

My Patriotism will be showing way past The Fourth. Try these UnBelieveable Sweet All-American Desserts.
Be sure to ShooTheFlies!

Friday, July 3, 2009

MIND BLOG'N AWARD...KreativBlogger

I’m Speakless!
I know…..hard to believe.
Here are SeveralSevens I'm Glad to SpinRound
SevenNess KreativBlogger Award.

Here are SevenAmazingSpins
#1 – The Number Seven
#2 – The Ancient Seven Wonders of the World
#3 – The New Seven Wonders of the World
#4 – The Seven Dwarfs
#5 – The Seven Illustrated Quotes
#6 – The SevenSisters Quilt
#7 – The Seven Layer Dip

To PomPom in Seven Languages
Thank-you! MerciBeaucoup!
Danke schön!
Spasiba! Grazie tanto!
TODA LACH (תודה לך)!
Muchas Gracias!

Kreativ Blogger Award - PayItForward SevenBlogs
#l Seduced By Yarn
#2 Moonlight Knitting
#3 Dean Deerfield Designs
#4 BAABins
#5 Knitting With My Mothers Hands
#6 Lesser Known Skeins
#7 TangleTale
PS...To these SevenBlogs...SuKnitWitty PayNForward to each of YOU the 'Kreativ Blogger Award'. Click on the Icon...Copy and Paste to your Blog then Award to Seven Blogs. Congratulations! Your Blogs are Unique and Creative.
PPS...To All Who Read This Post...Please visit these SevenBlogs...You'll be Amazed at the Talents of these Bloggers. Thanks for visiting SuKnitWitty!
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