Welcome to SuKnitWitty's Vintage Thingie Thursday.
You are probably wondering who SKW is, and why is CollectInTexas Gals Picture sitting over on the SideBar.
Your first reaction might be that I have a 'SplitPersonality' Issue.
Or perhaps I'm a Twin whose Mama couldn't decide on two 'S' names so she named us 'Sue N Sue'.
There's even the possibility that I have SewMuchStuff that One Blog wouldn't Hold it All!
SuKnitWitty is my Knittin~Sewin~Quiltin Blog! It will be a Year Old in May and VTT is it's
First Meme Outting!
So without further AhDo, here's SKW's Collection of Minature Sewing Machines and
Other Vintage Sewing Items!
Other Vintage Sewing Items!
They are displayed in my Sewing Room as seen in the picture above.
The Vintage Crocheted Doily serves as a perfect backdrop for this
Collection of Minature Vintage Sewing Machine Teapots and other Sewing Treasures.
Collection of Minature Vintage Sewing Machine Teapots and other Sewing Treasures.
All the Teapots have lids and several are boxes that open.
The Two White Machines are Salt and Pepper Shakers and are quite old.
The Lady Thread Caddy is an early plastic product patterned after the Victorian Period. The Lady Lifts off to reveal a pin storage niche.
The Spool Girl is a ceramic figurine...maker unknown, and the
Singer Recuerdo is constructed of lightweight tin with very acurate detailing on the cabinet and the tiny machine.
Singer Recuerdo is constructed of lightweight tin with very acurate detailing on the cabinet and the tiny machine.
The Oldest Sewing Item in the collection is the SunBonnet Sue Needle Holder.
It flips open at the top of the hat where it is stitched in yellow thread.
It is made from felted wool and has some deteriation as wool will do over time.
The other little Sue is a Lapel Pin made from 1930's Fabrics.
Thank you 'SewMuch' Suzanne at ColoradoLady for hosting this special day of the week for Vintage Collectors to share our Treasures.
Please Stitch your way over to the list of participants and have a great day of Vintage Thingies.
PS...I hope you'll come back and browse around SKW. This month I've rearranged my LongArm Quilting Studio and Sewing Room. You might be interested in meeting 'QuiltALottty', my LongArm Quilting Machine. I'll be doing some Tutorials on Machine Quilting a 1930's Pieced Top in the near future.
I'd love for you to be a SKW Follower and I'll return the Following.
Thanks for Coming and Commenting...Sue