Have you caught the 'ISTA' bug?
Ever since I heard the 'ISTA' tacked onto Titles...I've wanted to be 'SomeKindaIsta'.
I am an 'ApronIsta'!!!
That's so much better than ApronAholic!!! Don'tcha think?
Sew...and I mean that literally...here's the first of the 'HanDone Aprons'...
'CowGirls CanCook!'
'CowGirls CanCook' made it's Debut on Pink Saturday!
See the REVIEW .... HERE!
CowGirls CanCook was well received on Pink Saturday, and several wanted to know the Pattern and Fabric.
Mostly, the Pinkies were surprised that I could DO something other than Collect Aprons.
They were, however, very supportive of my ApronAholic condition and encouraged me to get on with StepTwo!
StepOne of StepTwo....The Pattern....I used to love going to the Fabric Store to sit and browse through the Simplicity Pattern Books....that was when patterns were $1 or $2 at the most and the $2 was for a Vogue pattern.
I've been in 'PatternPriceShock' for along time now, and have resorted to the art of scrounging the Thrift and Antique Shops for used patterns. And sometimes they 'Ain't Cheap' either....depending on how old they are. Yep, it's another Collection! Simplicty Apron Pattern #2492 can be found online HERE...view at your own Risk for PPS...and it's discounted from the Regular Shocking Price. Or, you can go to WalMart for a better discount. Or, do what I did....caught Hancocks $1 PatternSale....Now That's What I'm Talkin About!
StepTwo of StepTwo...RoundUp Yore Stuff. Found this Pefectly Pink Cowgirl fabric at the Wool N Cotton Shop. We've been there before on SKW and CIT if you'd like to re-visit. The cowgirl fabric is by MODA and is called 'Rawhide'. The other Stuff includes RickRack, wide Bias Tape, Piping and Buttons. I made Concho look by layering two buttons and attaching with perle cotton thread. Cute huh?
StepThree of StepTwo...Start Sewin. Now, with a fabric called 'Rawhide', I figured I might better line the straps and part way down the front!
Ya never know when you might wanna have a 'Surprise CandleLit Dinner' with your HiHoney in nothin but 'YoreApron'.
StepFour of StepTwo...Finishing Touches. Concho Buttons and nice long Ties for the Bow that covers 'Yore Booty'....I made mine longer than the pattern. I have a longer Booty to cover...not that I'd be turnin around for HiHoney to see my Bow!
StepFive of StepTwo...Press and Pose. Yep, you'll want to have pictures for Sew and Tell!
If you make this Apron or ANY Apron, and would like to 'FessUp' to your ApronAddiction, EMAIL me a jpeg picture.
It will be posted on CollectInTexas Gals 'The ApronIsta's Sew & Tell' Page. How fun will that be!!!!
StepSix of StepTwo...RoundUp Yore Stuff...For Another Apron!

I found my old apron pattern. I made it for my mom one busy Christmas. You've inspired me - your cowgirl apron is exquisite and YOU ARE an ista of a lot!