Birthstone Pearl Flower Rose
Color RED
June was named for the Goddess Juno. Goddess of Marriage and the Well-being of Women. Wife and Sister of Jupiter.
Well, being a Woman, a Wife, a Sister, and a Goddess, all I can say is “Jumpin Jupiter”!
Don’t Ya Just love it that in the 21st Century we can all be a Goddess!
Significance of June – Love, Respect, I Love You, A Heart Innocent of Love, and Beauty of Youth.
I remember ‘Beauty and Youth’. Well, OK, some of Youth! And Beauty….it’s still in the eye of the beholder…says the guy I Married in my Youth, but not in June.
“It is better to be a young June-bug than an old bird of paradise”- Mark Twain
I’d like to re-write that Mr. Twain….Just switch the young and the old. Who wants to be a June-bug? It may not be Paradise, but I’d rather be a Goddess!
So, now that we have our Facts straight, lets talk S F C!
Well, I like Pearls….My Guy Gifted me a String of Pearls.....ZZTop could have used that in a song...huh? you say! It’s one of those ‘Had to have been there’things…like, in the 70’s, and if you were there…You Know!
I had an Aunt Pearl! She was a really good cook….she would have liked being a Goddess, too.
And THEN there is 'Purl', you know, Knit 1 Purl 2! So far, I haven't WornItOut!
I do love Roses….Yellow ones are my FAV….but I will accept Red, White, Pink, Peach or Purple. Once, I had a purple rose bush…now, all the others get a ‘Scalping’ after blooming in June. I’m truly a ‘Screaming
Canna’ when my ‘Pearl Gift Guy’ gets out the ‘DeadHeadChoppers’.
Finally, RED!
Always Was and Always Will Be! F A V O R I T E Color!
My Daddy always said I looked ‘Purty’ in RED! My Mom always said my hands would not get RED from washing dishes! Now I’m Goddess of the Dishwasher! Once I was a RED Head! My Pearl Gift Guy said it was like waking up with a different Woman! Next day I was Back to Being a Brunette Goddess.
My LUV of RED has taken me down some interesting Paths. Join me in a stroll through the Goddess'
Garden Path.
Oh! Be sure to Stop and Smell the Roses! They will BeHeaded Soon this June!