Wednesday, September 23, 2009

KnittingWorkout with Scarlet & SockWizzardess!

His and Her Nests. Do they exist at your house? They do at SuKnitWitty's, but not close enough together to play KnittingFootsie!
Speaking of Footsie's been six months since I took
Susan-B's Sock Knitting Class and
I'm now the epitome of Scarlet O'Hara's "I'll worry about that tomorrow".
Fore Gone With The Wind are my pretty purple sock...
yep, it's still one and it's still not done.

In the meantime the
SockWizzardess is on number
KaBillionth pair...
so that adds up to
TwoKaBillion Socks...
but whose counting!

I guess I'm In the 'Working Out To Knit Mode'!!!

I've worked up a Sweat lifting baskets of yarn
from one shelf and putting them on a higher shelf.
Re-arranged the Nest...moved the chair,
the ottoman, the side table the baskets then
moved them all back where they were.
Walked a couple of miles between
the studio and the nest
with a dozen WIP's and knitted a row or two...really fast.
Soon, I will be a
'Lean, Mean Knitting Machine'

I don't want anyone to think I've been 'Slackin On KnittinThinkin'.
I eat, sleep, dream and read Knitting!
That's part of the Workout Mode, and I get lots of help from outside sources like Judith at the Wool N Cotton Shop with the latest
'Special Issue of Interweave Knits'.
Knits you can do in a weekend....for me many long weekends.
But, I was sold on this issue as soon as I saw the little boy sweater on the cover.
OMGosh! There's my Grandson Jackson on the cover.
He was two weeks old today.
I'm going to make that sweater in Vanna's Baby Yarn in blue and yellow.
I may start it tomorrow, cast on for 18 mo - 2yrs., knit really fast and have it done by December...


  1. Have you read Knitting Without Tears? You remind me of Elizabeth Zimmerman - such a smart knitter, and a thinking knitter. I think about it (just in a dreamy sort of way - not a mathematical way, sigh) and plan . . . but rarely pick up the sticks! My nest has piles and piles of books . . . cute husband says I'm a pack rat. So?

  2. jump up! jump down! turn around! exercise, shemexrcise, aren't you glad knitting is more of a mental exercise?! o' and also a nice finger slimming exercise : )


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