It's a Quilted Christmas on SuKnitWitty!
And Guess What?
It's been that way for Years and Years and Years!
As I was DoinTheDecorating last Eve, Mr.SKW asked,
"Aren't Knitters suppose to have Knitted Ornaments etc.?"
I stood him beside the chimney, put my finger aside my nose
Blinked twice and up the chimney he arose!
That'll teach him! HoHoHo!!!

Just as I was hanging HIS hand crocheted Stocking he slipped in the back door, dusted off the chimney gunk, and returned to the recliner!
"I guess Crochet is Close to Knitted, huh Honey?"
"Yep", says Mrs. SKW..."Thought you might come to that conclusion".
The Stockings were made many years ago when I was new to crocheting with yarn!
EVERY Relative got one for Christmas that year!
Do you know how many combinations of Red, Green and White there are?
About Twenty...Thank goodness for Varigated Christmas Yarn and size J Crochet Hook!
By February I was able to straighten out the fingers on my right hand and fling the sling immobilizing my left shoulder!
Yes, Crochet is close to Knitted Christmas Stuff!

I guess I'd have to say I'm a 'Trendy Tree Trimmer'!
When the Trend was 'Everything Your Child Ever Made', our tree was trimmed with paper airplanes, construction paper garland and paint by number ornaments.
Gave all that to Son and DIL a few years ago...now they can save it Forever!
Then there was the Texas Tree with collected Cowboy Santas, State Shape, Bluebonnet and every known Chili and Armadillo ornament in Texas.
And, of course a Cowboy Hat on Top with the rest of the tree shrouded in Stripped Raffia and Red Bandanas.
Son and DIL inherited that stuff, too, and now they get to clean up all that straw!
And here's my 'Dream Tree' with Crochet Snowflakes and Angels, Victorian Beaded Ornaments, Delicate Handblown Ornaments, and all things Breakable and Beautiful!
I love it especially since it's Fake, Pre-Lit, Skinny, and fits in the closet. Course I do take off the Breakable Beauty's and carefully pack them away.
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me;
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me;
How often has the Christmas tree
Afforded me the greatest glee!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me.